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User Experience Work Breakdown Analysis (CMMI Level 2 : PP 1.1 )

Participating Roles


User Experience Architect




Entry Criteria

  • The scenarios accepted for the iteration.
  • The quality of service requirements accepted for the iteration.
  • The user interface flow or interaction wire frame model.
  • An object or data domain model describing the product domain.



Analyze UI Flow Model

  • For each element on the user interface flow or interaction model, create a task for user interface design elaboration.


Analyze Scenarios and Quality of Service Requirements

  • Break the scenarios and quality of service requirements into testable sets.
  • For each set, plan a task to develop a usability test.
  • For each usability test, plan a testing lab session.
  • Plan tasks to interview and schedule participants for the lab.
  • Plan tasks to analyze the test data.
  • Plan tasks to report the test data back to the team and assist in reworking the user interface design.


Analyze Change Requests

  • Consider the change requests and create a task for each user interface design element which must be reworked or created as new.
  • Consider the regression affect on usability tests and create tasks to rework or create new tests.
  • For each reworked test, plan a task for testing in a usability lab.
  • Create tasks to plan the lab session and interview and qualify participants.
  • Create tasks to analyze and summarize lab results and provide feedback to the rest of the team.

Exit Criteria

Task work items of type "user experience" describing all the activities required for user interface design and usability testing for the current iteration.

(C) 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

MSF for CMMI Process Improvement: Build 050707