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User Experience Architect

About User Experience Architect


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About User Experience Architect

A user experience architect advocates the user experience constituency in the MSF Team Model. A user experience architect is responsible for the product design (not the technical architecture of the technical solution) but the form and function of the user interface, its aesthetics, and the overall product usability. Within the field of user experience architects there is room for specialization. In many organizations, this role will be filled by a team of people with specialist job titles such as usability engineer, interaction designer, and graphic designer. In MSF these disciplines are represented in a single role. A user experience architect gets involved at the very beginning of a project. He or she will seek to understand the goals of the consumer for the product and to envision a design which meets those goals. A user experience architect will develop the personas and usage scenarios for the customer requirements. He or she may also develop prototypes or storyboards and conduct usability testing at several stages in the project life cycle during the planning, build, stabilize, and deploy tracks in the MSF Governance Model.

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MSF for CMMI Process Improvement: Build 050707