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About Developer

The developer advocates for the development constituency in the MSF Team Model. The developer is responsible for the bulk of the work building the product. Other development roles such as the lead developer and development manager have additional communication and project management responsibilities. The developer should suffer a minimum of communication overhead allowing for a maximum effort on construction of code. In addition, during the early stages of a project, developers may be expected to help specify product requirements not included in the customer requirements and to work on analysis and architecture activities as part of a multi-disciplinary team. A lead developer's role is to lead and to communicate on behalf of other developers. A lead developer advocates for the development constituency in the MSF Team Model. A lead developer lends experience and skill and shows leadership by coaching fellow developers. Lead developers carry responsibility for code reviews, design, and unit testing coverage. Lead developers act as a conduit to the rest of the project for the developers. As an aid to productivity, lead developers funnel communications between the wider project team and external organizations, and shield developers from noise and random interference in their daily schedules. Because of this, lead developers can seldom dedicate themselves to development tasks. Typically, they will spend about 50% of their time on communication and split the remainder between leading and coaching the developers on their team, and actually writing code for development tasks.

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MSF for CMMI Process Improvement: Build 050707