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Track Milestone Review (CMMI Level 2 : PMC 1.7 )

Participating Roles


IPM Officer



IPM Officer






Entry Criteria

  • The work within a given track is complete or a special request for a track milestone review on an incomplete track has been made.
  • All appropriate deliverable materials and governance work products produced in the track and required to answer the governance question(s) in the track review.



Call Review

  • Announce the forthcoming track milestone review. Invite all the appropriate stakeholders.


Determine Deliverables and Work Products

  • Determine the materials that will be reviewed and insure that these are available for the review and can be distributed to the participants through the project portal.


Hold the Review Meeting

  • Bring the stakeholders together to review the track deliverables and artifacts and determine the answer to the governance question for the track.
  • Envision Track: Are we doing the right thing?
  • Planning Track: Can we do it within an appropriate timeframe and budget? If not, why not?
  • Build Track: Are we ready to integrate the components of the product? If not, why not?
  • Stabilize Track: Are we ready to deploy? If not, why not?
  • Deploy Track: Are we now realizing the intended value first envisioned in the Envision Track?  
  • In the Build, Stabilize, and Deploy track reviews, it is also appropriate to ask again the governance questions from Envision and Planning: Are we [still] doing the right thing? and, can it [still] be done within budget and schedule?


Continue or Cancel Decision

  • Based on the review material and the answers to the governance questions, make a decision on whether the team project should continue or be cancelled.
  • Announce the decision to the whole project.

Exit Criteria

A decision from the track milestone review based on answers to the governance question(s).

(C) 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

MSF for CMMI Process Improvement: Build 050707