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Call Review |
- Announce the forthcoming track milestone review. Invite all the appropriate stakeholders.
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Determine Deliverables and Work Products |
- Determine the materials that will be reviewed and insure that these are available for the review and can be distributed to the participants through the project portal.
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Hold the Review Meeting |
- Bring the stakeholders together to review the track deliverables and artifacts and determine the answer to the governance question for the track.
- Envision Track: Are we doing the right thing?
- Planning Track: Can we do it within an appropriate timeframe and budget? If not, why not?
- Build Track: Are we ready to integrate the components of the product? If not, why not?
- Stabilize Track: Are we ready to deploy? If not, why not?
- Deploy Track: Are we now realizing the intended value first envisioned in the Envision Track?
- In the Build, Stabilize, and Deploy track reviews, it is also appropriate to ask again the governance questions from Envision and Planning: Are we [still] doing the right thing? and, can it [still] be done within budget and schedule?
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Continue or Cancel Decision |
- Based on the review material and the answers to the governance questions, make a decision on whether the team project should continue or be cancelled.
- Announce the decision to the whole project.