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IPM Officer

About IPM Officer


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About IPM Officer

The integrated program management (IPM) officer is the executive responsible for the overall organizational scheduling, planning, and resource allocation. The integrated program management office (IPMO), which he or she runs, will coordinate all projects in a portfolio and provide a means for projects to communicate schedule and resource information to each other. The IPM officer advocates for the program management constituency in the MSF Team Model. The IPM officer is responsible for the organization level flow of projects in a portfolio, whereas a project manager is responsible for the flow of a single project. The IPM officer's main role is to hold coordinating meetings amongst project managers and to facilitate the negotiation of priorities, schedules, and resource allocation. This becomes particularly important when scarce specialist shared resources have conflicting demands from two or more projects in a portfolio. A good IMP officer is a diplomat, a negotiator, a facilitator, and a ruthless prioritizer.

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MSF for CMMI Process Improvement: Build 050707