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Analyze Scenario Impact |
- For each scenario requirement:
- Determine the approximate size <TBD: Size in what units?>
- Determine the approximate complexity <TBD: in what units>
- Determine the approximate regression effect. <TBD: On previously implemented features?>
- Update the Impact Assessment field with the results of these approximations.<TBD: Add this field or equivalent to scenario work item>
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Split or Reprioritize Scenarios |
- Optional
- If the cost of the scenario exceeds the iteration budget, determine if the requirement can be split.
- Split the scenario into two or more smaller ones if splitting is deemed appropriate.
- Close out or defer any scenarios deemed too costly.
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Determine an Overall Priority |
- Examine the scenarios list and for each scenario, determine if it is in the Surprise, Required, or Obvious categories of the Kano model. Use the lifestyle snapshot to help determine which category a scenario is in. Assign priority in the Importance Ranking field in each scenario work item as follows:
- Very High. If the scenarios are in the Surprise category, set the rank to Very High. The Surprise category scenarios are the most desirable for a product.
- High. If the scenarios are in the Required category, set the rank to High. The Required category scenarios are important to users.
- Medium. If the scenarios are in the Obvious category, set the rank to Medium The Obvious category scenarios do not improve or hinder customer satisfaction.
- Low. For any scenarios deemed unlikely to be implemented, set the rank to Low, and close the scenario. Set the Reason to Abandoned, or Out of Scope.
- If the scenario might be implemented in a future release, close it as Deferred.
- Publish the changes to the work item database and save the quality of scenarios list on the project portal.
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Outline High Priority Scenarios |
- Use the scenario description template to outline and provide a brief description of the highest priority scenarios. The outline should contain enough detail for developers to provide an estimate.
- Add notes in the description field outlining complexities involved in the scenario.
- Save and attach the outlined scenario description to the scenario work item.
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Select Scenarios for Iteration |
- According to rank, select a set of scenarios to implement in the next iteration.
- Consider the impact analyses for each scenario. Be sure the scenarios represent a reasonable workload for the next iteration.
- For each scenario selected for the next iteration, update its Planned Iteration field to reflect the next iteration.