MSF for CMMI Process Improvement Visual Studio Team System logo


Locate Cause of Bug (CMMI Level 3 : VER 3.2 )

Participating Roles




Entry Criteria

  • The bug is assigned to a developer and the same developer is locating the bug.
  • The test configuration is the same one used when the bug was found.
  • Up-to-date source code must be available.



Isolate Functional Area

  • In the search for the offending area of code, eliminate areas in the code that do not involve the bug.


Reassign Bug

  • Optional
  • If the identified code is in another developer's area, reassign the bug to that developer.
  • Provide information to help the next developer examine the bug.
  • Update the <TBD: Assigned To field in bug work item> with the appropriate developer.


Trace Involved Code Areas

  • Using debugging tools use breakpoints and variable watches to examine the identified code for any anomalies that cause the bug. Or mark the code sparingly with tags that provide visible output to a debugger or a log file.


Analyze Product with External Tools

  • Optional
  • In addition to tracing code, use other tools in the environment to gauge the effects on the product when certain identified areas are run.


Pinpoint the Problem

  • Follow the steps to reproduce the bug as many times as necessary to pinpoint the lines of code causing the problem. Document the cause and location of the bug in the bug work item.

Exit Criteria

There is enough information from the identified bug location to develop a fix.

The cause and location of the bug is documented in the bug work item.

(C) 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

MSF for CMMI Process Improvement: Build 050707