MSF for CMMI Process Improvement Visual Studio Team System logo


Create or Update System or Verification Test (CMMI Level 3 : VER1.3 )

Participating Roles






Entry Criteria


    • Design is reviewed and has no remaining problems.


    • Technical Data Package: The collection of design documents.
    • Reference Solution: The design documents and diagrams selected to be implemented in the current iteration.



    Identify Required System Tests

    • Examine the design documents in the technical data package and the reference solution diagrams. Determine which kinds of tests are required to meet the objectives of the design.
    • The tests should ensure that any product requirement (interface, safety, security, operational, or functional) incorporated in the design is tested adequately. 
    • Tests should include both positive tests to ensure that the product requirement is implemented properly as well as negative tests to try to break the product and demonstrate that some part of the requirement is not met.
    • Tests should be automated as much as possible. Consider using Visual Studio Team System testing functionality such as Web tests, load tests, and stress tests. Consider using other automated testing tools available and appropriate for the given design. Consider developing test harnesses to test certain aspects of the design.


    Create System Tests

    • Create the tests that have been identified. For automated tests, create the necessary configuration files and data required by the tool to run the test.
    • For manual tests, create documentation of the procedures for running the tests.
    • Check all tests into source control.

    Exit Criteria

    System tests to verify the code for the design are created and checked into source control.

    (C) 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    MSF for CMMI Process Improvement: Build 050707