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Create Documentation Outlines (CMMI Level 3 : TS 3.2 )

Participating Roles


User Education Specialist


Entry Criteria


    • Personas: Personas are complete.
    • Scenarios: Scenarios exist that describe the intended user experience.
    • Complete Functional Specifications:



    Create an outline of topics

    • Define user goals and tasks from personas, scenarios, and functional specifications.  
    • Create a list of topics that document the user goals and tasks.  
    • Group topics logically by user scenarios or goals.
    • Assemble outline.


    Send the outline out for review by the team

    • Send the outline to key project stakeholders.
    • Provide a deadline for comments to be returned.
    • Incorporate comments into the outlines and publish final version on the project portal.

    Exit Criteria

    Documentation outlines are complete.

    (C) 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    MSF for CMMI Process Improvement: Build 050707