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Create Documentation Plan (CMMI Level 2 : GG 2.2 )

Participating Roles


User Education Specialist


Entry Criteria


    • Documentation Outlines: Outlines are approved for all planned documentation deliverables.
    • Personas: Personas are complete.
    • Scenarios: Scenarios exist that describe the key user experience scenarios.
    • Iteration Plan: Iteration plan for the product is complete.
    • Complete Functional Specifications: Functional specifications are complete and provide details on the intended user experience.



    Estimate Resources and Schedule

    • From the documentation outlines, determine the amount of work required to create the product documentation.
    • Estimate the resources required to complete the work.
    • Determine what resources are available to complete the work.
    • Map documentation deliverables to milestones on the iteration plan.
    • Develop an estimated documentation schedule.


    Determine Documentation Deliverables

    • Choose a release format.  
    • Decide on deliverables (work products).  
    • Choose documentation template.  
    • Create a project style guide and terminology list.


    Write Documentation Plan

    • Provide schedule and resource estimates for the documentation project.
    • Summarize the constraints, assumptions, and dependencies for the documentation project.
    • Include documentation outlines, along with the planned delivery format, and pointers to documentation templates and the project style guide.


    Get sign-off on the documentation plan from the team

    • Hold a meeting to discuss planned documentation deliverables.
    • Send the documentation plan to key project stakeholders.
    • Provide a deadline for comments.
    • Incorporate review comments and publish final documentation plan to project portal.

    Exit Criteria

    Documentation plan complete.

    Project style guide is available.

    (C) 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    MSF for CMMI Process Improvement: Build 050707