Activities |
Accept Build |
Assess Progress |
Brainstorm Quality of Service Requirements |
Brainstorm Scenarios |
Close the Bug |
Code the Fix for a Bug |
Conduct Exploratory Testing |
Conduct Retrospective |
Cost a Development Task |
Create Architectural Prototype |
Create Infrastructure Architecture |
Create or Update a Unit Test |
Create Release Notes |
Decide on a Bug Fix Strategy |
Define Personas |
Define Test Approach |
Deploy the Product |
Determine Interfaces |
Determine Iteration Length |
Develop Lifestyle Snapshot |
Develop Performance Model |
Develop Threat Model |
Divide Quality of Service Requirements into Tasks |
Divide Scenarios into Tasks |
Estimate Quality of Service Requirement |
Estimate Scenario |
Evaluate Test Metric Thresholds |
Execute a Release Plan |
Fix a Build |
Identify Risk |
Identify Security Objectives |
Integrate Code Changes |
Locate the Cause of a Bug |
Mitigate a Risk |
Monitor Iteration |
Open a Bug |
Partition the System |
Perform a Unit Test |
Perform Code Analysis |
Prioritize Quality of Service Requirements List |
Prioritize Scenario List |
Reassign a Bug |
Refactor Code |
Refine Personas |
Reproduce the Bug |
Review Code |
Review Objectives |
Schedule Bug Fixing Allotment |
Schedule Quality of Service Requirement |
Schedule Scenario |
Select and Run a Test Case |
Start a Build |
Storyboard a Scenario |
Triage Bugs |
Validate a Release |
Verify a Build |
Verify a Fix |
Write Code for a Development Task |
Write Load Tests |
Write Performance Tests |
Write Quality of Service Requirement |
Write Scenario Description |
Write Security Tests |
Write Stress Tests |
Write Validation Tests |
Write Vision Statement |