MSF for Agile Software Development Visual Studio 2005 Team System logo


Assess Progress

Participating Roles


Project Manager


Entry Criteria


    • At least one iteration is complete.



    Evaluate the Backlog

    • If the project has a proposed release date, use the initial iteration length to determine the number of iterations remaining.  Use the velocity report to obtain the number of ideal person days completed per iteration. Multiply the two to determine how many ideal person days are remaining.
    • If the schedule does not allow enough time to implement all functionality needed to achieve minimum acceptance level, look at options for scaling back functionality, increasing resources, or maximizing productivity. Understanding schedule shortfalls early in the project increases mitigation options. Assign risk work items if necessary.
    • If productivity measures are taken to increase the velocity, consider whether productivity is really increased or if quality is suffering. Use the Actual Quality versus Planned Velocity report to see if quality degrades with the increase in workload.


    Check Dependencies

    • Check for project schedule dependencies and make sure they are tracking as planned.
    • Create a new risk work item for dependencies that might be coming in late.
    • Assign the risk depending on how a slip might be mitigated.


    Create Feasibility Analysis

    • Optional
    • If necessary, estimate the number of remaining iterations required to complete the desire functionality to determine whether the project is on track to meet the objectives set out by the vision statement.

    Exit Criteria

    All schedule issues are captured as risks.

    © 2005, 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    Version 4.0.1