MSF for CMMI Process Improvement Visual Studio Team System logo
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About Roles

In MSF for CMMI® Process Improvement, a team of peers advocates for the seven constituencies in the MSF Team Model. The Team Model was created to model all the views of a project which must be represented and monitored in order to reduce risk and increase the likelihood of a successful project. Experience with earlier versions of MSF has shown that failure to have all the constituencies in the Team Model represented leads to increased likelihood of project failure or disappointment. The Team Model constituencies represent the full project life cycle including vision, production, use, and maintenance. Each team member plays at least one of the roles and is accountable for advocating on behalf of the constituency what that role represents within the Team Model. No constituency is more important than any other and hence no specific role is more important than any other. MSF for CMMI® Process Improvement is a consensus lead process definition which requires facilitated agreement amongst role players. Together the Team Model and the consensus oriented nature of role playing in MSF for CMMI® Process Improvement provide the necessary checks and balances to ensure overall quality and satisfied customers within a framework of good governance.

(C) 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

MSF for CMMI Process Improvement: Build 050707