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User Education Work Breakdown Analysis (CMMI Level 2 : PP 1.1 )

Participating Roles


User Education Specialist




Entry Criteria

  • A list of scenarios accepted for the iteration.
  • A list of quality of service requirements accepted for the iteration.
  • A list of functional requirements accepted for the iteration.
  • A list of operational requirements accepted for the iteration.
  • A list of change requests accepted for the iteration.
  • The user interface flow or interaction wire frame model.
  • An object or data domain model describing the product domain.
  • Any documentation describing the existing logical architecture and physical data center or deployment environment.
  • The set of validation tests that were written with the requirements.



Analyze User Guide Requirements

  • Optional
  • Use the scenarios, quality of service requirements, and UI Flow model and break out a table of contents for the User's Guide.
  • Brainstorm the topics for the User's Guide table of contents.
  • Create a writing task for each topic in the table of contents.


Analyze On-line Help

  • Optional
  • Use the scenarios, QoS requirements, and UI Flow model and break out a topic list for on-line help.
  • Create a writing task for each on-line help topic.


Analyze Create Operator's Guide

  • Optional
  • Use the operational requirements, and UI flow model to break out a table of contents for an Operator's Guide.
  • Brainstorm a list of detailed topics for the Operator's Guide table of contents.
  • Create a writing task for each operator's guide topic.


Analyze Maintenance Manual

  • Optional
  • Use the functional requirements, user acceptance tests, security requirements, domain model, and UI flow model to break out a table of contents for a maintenance manual. The audience for the maintenance manual is the team working on future iterations and releases of the product.
  • Brainstorm a detailed topic list for the table of contents.
  • Create a writing task for each topic in the table of contents.


Analyze Training Manual

  • Optional
  • Use the scenarios, operational requirements, and UI flow model to break out a table of contents for a training manual.
  • Brainstorm a detailed list of topics for the training manual table of contents.
  • Plan a writing task for each topic on the table of contents.

Exit Criteria

Task work items of type "user education" describing all the technical writing work required in the iteration.

(C) 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

MSF for CMMI Process Improvement: Build 050707