Team Meeting(s) (CMMI Level 2 : MA 2.2 )
Participating Roles
Business Analyst
Project Manager
Development Manager
Test Manager |
A team meeting should be held daily for each work group of up to 12 responsible people. Others from outside the immediate work group may attend for information purposes but should not take an active part. A daily meeting is used to report progress, allocate new work items, surface issues, and report blocked work items.
Entry Criteria
- List of work items for the iteration.
- The iteration plan and commitments.
- The report of current open and recently resolved or closed issues for the project.
- Daily (usually in the morning).
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Agree Meeting Time |
- The lead developer should gain an agreement from the team regarding the best time to schedule the daily meeting.
- It is recommended that this time be the earliest available that permits all team members to attend. Flexible working hours in many organizations mean that this will not necessarily be the start of the day. However, a time slot in the morning is referable, so that the team can plan activities for the rest of the day.
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Hold Meeting |
- The lead developer should hold the meeting each day at the agreed time. The meeting should start on time regardless of attendance.
- Team members should adopt a project norm of attending the meeting and be promptly on time for the start of the meeting.
- The meeting should ideally be not longer than 15 minutes.
- The meeting should be held in a mutually convenient location. Often this location will be informal such as a corridor or open space. A formal meeting room and reservation should not be necessary.
- The lead developer should chair the meeting and invite each team member in turn to present.
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Present Status |
- Each team member should announce what they are working on, what work items they have completed since the last meeting, and whether they expect their current work-in-progress to complete before the next meeting. If so, new work from the iteration backlog should be assigned or accepted.
- If any work items are blocked, this should be recorded and the reason for the blockage recorded in the issue log.
- Any foreseen future blocking issues should be raised and recorded for resolution before they affect work-in-progress.
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Report Issue Log Update |
- The lead developer should inform the team of any significant issue resolution since the last meeting. Work items which have been unblocked should be identified and reassigned to team members for active work.
Exit Criteria
Updated list of work items in the iteration backlog. |
Any issues raised in the meeting. | |