MSF for CMMI Process Improvement Visual Studio Team System logo


Review Configuration Management Guidelines (CMMI Level 2 : CM 1.1 )

Participating Roles


Release Manager


Entry Criteria

  • Configuration management guidelines.



Examine Security Needs

  • Examine the configuration management guidelines concerning security. Look for security guidelines that apply to your team project. A high security project will require tighter control over source code and related configuration management items.


Examine Reporting Needs

  • Determine which reports different stakeholders will need. Examine the guidelines for types of reports required, who needs the reports, and when they need the reports.


Examine Release Needs

  • Determine how many releases will occur before the final release of the product. How will the releases be distributed to end users or stakeholders? What is the expected quality of each release? Choose branching and integration strategies that will support these releases.


Examine Change Request Sources

  • Determine how change requests will originate on the team project. How will end users evaluating the product submit change requests or bugs? Will they use Internet Web sites, e-mail, or participate in guided usability studies. How will team members and stakeholders submit change requests? Choose guidelines appropriate for the technology used and for how users will evaluate the product.


Examine Auditing Standards

  • Examine the corporate auditing standards for configuration management. Use guidelines that ensure compliance with these standards.


Examine Size and Scope

  • Examine the estimated size of the team, and scope of the planned software product. For larger team size or scope, consider branching and integration strategies that enable stable development by different teams that are dependent on using each other's code. For smaller team size or scope, consider simple code management strategies that enable faster code development.

Exit Criteria

Tailored configuration management guidelines.

(C) 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

MSF for CMMI Process Improvement: Build 050707