MSF for CMMI Process Improvement Visual Studio Team System logo


Review Action and Verify Resolution (CMMI Level 3 : VER 2.2 )

Participating Roles


Business Analyst

Project Manager


Project Manager


Entry Criteria

  • An issue moves into the resolved state.
  • An issue work item with detailed history of the problem and updated status.
  • The original issue analysis detailing symptoms, root cause, workarounds and core problem elimination process improvement suggestion.
  • An original corrective action plan determined in the Analyze Issue step (for comparison against actually executed correction action tasks).



Meet With Team Members

  • Identify all the team members affected by the issue or corrective action tasks and bring them together (in person, by phone, or virtual meeting) for a brief review.


Consider Original Issue

  • Discuss the original issue and any affected blocked project work items.
  • Has the corrective action plan worked? Has the issue been resolved? Have the blocked work items been unblocked?
  • If not, then rework the corrective action tasks and reassign to appropriate team members.
  • If so, then record the results in the corrective action log. Record any deviation from original corrective action plan determined in the Analyze Issue step. This information can be used at a future retrospective to provide learning and suggest improvements in analysis techniques or staff training.

Exit Criteria

A log of the corrective action review recording the findings of the review and logging any deviation between the original issue analysis and what was actually required to resolve it.

(C) 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

MSF for CMMI Process Improvement: Build 050707