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Prioritize Change Requests (CMMI Level 2 : CM 2.1 )

Participating Roles


Business Analyst


Entry Criteria

  • Unprioritized change request.



Examine requirements list

  • Retrieve the requirements list and examine any requirements affected by the change request. Note if the requirements affected are in the Surprise, Required, or Obvious categories of the Kano model.
  • If the change request is adding a new requirement, determine if the requirement is in the Surprise, Required, or Obvious categories of the Kano model.


Set Priority

  • For each new change request, set the priority as follows:
  • High. If the requirements created or affected by the change request are in the Surprise category, set the priority to high. The Surprise category requirements are the most desirable for a product.
  • Medium. If the requirements created or affected by the change request are in the Required category, set the priority to medium. The Required category requirements are important to users.
  • Low. If the requirements created or affected by the change request are in the Obvious category, set the priority to low. The Obvious category requirements do not improve or hinder customer satisfaction.


Expedite Change Request

  • Optional
  • If a change request is exceptional in nature, such as being critical for an upcoming user demonstration, or correcting a severely broken feature in production, set the priority to Expedite. These change requests are reviewed immediately by the change control board.
  • Use the Expedite priority rarely. Expedited change requests can have a negative impact on overall productivity.


Reassign Change Request

  • Reassign the prioritized change requests to the release manager. They are ready for review by the change control board.

Exit Criteria

Requirements list.

Priorized change request.

(C) 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

MSF for CMMI Process Improvement: Build 050707