Package the product for distribution. It is impossible to be prescriptive about packaging. The type of packaging will vary depending on the product and the domain. It may require a physical box or it may be as simple as a zip file for electronic distribution. You must decide what represents the appropriate packaging for your product.
Entry Criteria
The build for packaging and release.
Decide Appropriate Packaging
Based on the business, the problem domain, the distribution channel, and the ultimate consumer requirements, decide on the appropriate packaging mechanism for the product.
Package Product
Package the product according to the agreed upon format.
There may be manufacturing steps involved such as DVD replication.
Verify Correct Packaging
Test the packaged product to show that it is packaged correctly and can be unpackaged in fully working order.
Release the Product
Release the packaged product for rollout and deployment.
Exit Criteria
The complete product packaged as agreed and ready for release, rollout and deployment.