MSF for CMMI Process Improvement Visual Studio Team System logo


Design and Development Analysis (CMMI Level 2 : PP 1.1 )

Participating Roles







Entry Criteria

  • A list of scenarios for the iteration.
  • A list of the quality of service requirements for the iteration.
  • A list of the functional requirements for the iteration.
  • A list of the operational requirements for the iteration.
  • A list of the security requirements for the iteration.
  • A list of change requests accepted for the iteration.
  • A user interface flow or interaction wire frame model for the product or iteration.
  • An object or data domain model for the product.
  • Any documentation available describing the existing logical architecture and physical data center.



Analyze Scenarios

  • For each scenario, carefully map the required functionality on to the domain model, user interface flow model, and existing architecture. Separate out concerns across architectural elements and create a task for each piece of functionality required in each architectural layer or element.


Analyze Quality of Service Requirements

  • For each quality of service requirement, map the required functionality against the existing architecture and determine a list of tasks by which to add or create the new functionality.


Analyze Functional Requirements

  • Consider the list of functional requirements and revisit the list of tasks from Analyze Scenarios (step 1). Add any additional tasks required to meet the functional requirements, not already covered from the scenarios.


Analyze Operational Requirements

  • Analyze the operational requirements along with the domain model, user interface flow model, and existing architecture. Separate out concerns across architectural elements and create a task for each piece of functionality required in each architectural layer or element.


Analyze Change Requests

  • Analyze change requests along with the domain model, user interface flow model, and existing architecture. Separate out concerns across architectural elements and create a task for each piece of functionality required in each architectural layer or element.


Analyze Security Requirements

  • Analyze security requirements along with the domain model, user interface flow model, and existing architecture. Separate out concerns across architectural elements and create a task for each piece of functionality required in each architectural layer or element.

Exit Criteria

A list of tasks of type "developer" describing design and coding required from the development team in the iteration.

(C) 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

MSF for CMMI Process Improvement: Build 050707