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Define-Update Test Approach

Participating Roles


Test Manager



Test Manager


Project Manager


Entry Criteria


    • Once, at the start of the project.


    • Vision Statement Complete: The vision statement for the project is complete and approved.
    • Personas Defined: The personas for the project have been defined.
    • Scenario List Complete: The list of user scenarios is complete.
    • Existing Architecture Available: The existing architecture is available.



    Determine the Project Context

    • Identify unique project risks and the users they might affect. Identify special situations that might impact the level of testing needed. For example, a project domain may be subject to regulation that determines the testing that has to be done.
    • Consider risk impacts. Determine what is at stake if the product should fail.


    Determine the Test Mission

    • Identify the project goals to be satisfied through testing.
    • Consult the architect and business analyst on technical uncertainties and user risks.
    • Clarify expectations regarding the contribution to be made by testing.
    • Collaborate with the business analyst and the architect to create a list of prioritized technical uncertainties and user risks.


    Assess Possible Testing Techniques

    • Assess the available tools for testing.
    • Assess the skills of the testing team.
    • Determine the testing techniques possible and appropriate for the project based on the tools and skill sets available.


    Define Test Metrics

    • Work with developers to determine realistic code coverage metric thresholds for unit testing development tasks. This is a mandatory test metric.
    • Use the project context, test mission, and test techniques to determine the test metrics. These test metrics will often include thresholds for various types of tests (Web, load, or stress) or percentage of tests automated.
    • Work with the business analyst to determine realistic metric thresholds for shipping the product. These targets should also be determined by the context of the project.
    • Add test metric thresholds to the relevant reports and to the test approach worksheet.
    • Publish the test approach worksheet.

    Exit Criteria

    The test metrics for the project have been defined and approved.

    The test approach for the project has been defined/updated and approved.

    (C) 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    MSF for CMMI Process Improvement: Build 050707