MSF for CMMI Process Improvement Visual Studio Team System logo


Code Review (CMMI Level 3 : VER 2.2 )

Participating Roles









Entry Criteria

  • Coding standards.
  • Threat model.



Verify Name Correctness

  • Make sure the names of the classes and the methods are properly defined to represent the functionality of the code segment.


Verify Code Relevance

  • The code being reviewed is relevant to the task for which the code is written. There should be no code changes allowed that do not address the functionality being implemented or corrected.


Verify Extensibility

  • The code is written so it can be extended if it is the intention to do so, or reused in other areas of the system.
  • String constants used in the code are properly placed in resources that can be internationalized.


Verify Minimal Code Complexity

  • Repeated code can be simplified into common functions.
  • Loops are used where appropriate.
  • Similar functionality is placed in a common procedure or function.


Verify Algorithmic Complexity

  • The number of execution paths in the code being reviewed is kept to a minimum. Only recognized paths are allowed to exist.


Verify Code Security

  • Check the code for the protection of assets, privilege levels, and the use of data at entry points. For more information, check MSDN for practices relating to security for your application type.<TBD: Tie into security activity when available><TBD: Add redirector link to MSDN security info>


Create Code Review Work Item

  • A code review work item is created documenting the results of the code review. The review team must decide on the next steps for the code depending on the magnitude of the changes necessary.
  • If no changes are necessary, document this fact in the code review work item and that the code can be integrated.
  • If minor changes are necessary, mark the code review work item as "Accepted with changes" which indicates that the code can be integrated once changes are made.
  • If major changes are necessary, mark the code review work item as "Rejected". The code must be refactored, and another code review must be performed before the code can be integrated.

Exit Criteria

The review team forms consensus on all changes to the code base required for acceptable quality before the code is integrated.

The review team forms consensus that the code is acceptable for integration.

Code review work item is created summarizing results of the code review.

Reviewed source code.

(C) 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

MSF for CMMI Process Improvement: Build 050707