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CMMI Process Area:

Causal Analysis and Resolution

About Causal Analysis and Resolution

Determine Causes of Defects
Address Causes of Defects

About Causal Analysis and Resolution

The purpose of this process area is to identify causes of bugs and other problems and take action to prevent them form occurring in the future. Determine the causes of the bugs or problems by systematically selecting the specific data to be addressed and then analyzing the root causes. Once the root causes have been determined, suggest and implement action proposals. Compare the data from this implemented solution to the data that was analyzed to identify the problem and to verify that the problem was resolved or positively affected. Record the causal analysis and resolution data.

Determine Causes of Defects

Address Causes of Defects

(C) 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

MSF for CMMI Process Improvement: Build 050707