MSF for CMMI Process Improvement Visual Studio Team System logo


Assess Alternatives (LAAAM) (CMMI Level 3 : DAR 1.1 )

Participating Roles







Entry Criteria


    • Requirements for current iteration are ready, or proof of concepts are evaluated.


    • Quality of Service Requirements: Used to determine quality factors in utility tree.
    • Product Requirements: Used to determine key functionality in utility tree.
    • Proof of concept: Used to guide evaluation of value, development cost, and operations cost of strategies.



    Create Utility Tree

    • Examine quality of service requirements and product requirements to determine the key drivers of quality and function in the application.
    • Construct a utility tree that represents the overall quality of the application. The root node in the tree is labeled Utility.
    • Subsequent nodes are typically labeled in standard quality terms such as modifiability, availability, security. The tree should represent the hierarchical nature of the qualities and provide a basis for prioritization.
    • Each level in the tree is further refinement of the qualities. Ultimately the leaves of the tree become scenarios.


    Construct Assessment Matrix

    • For each leaf in the utility tree, write a scenario. The scenario is in the form of context, stimulus, and response. For example, "Under normal operation, perform a database transaction in fewer than 100 milliseconds."
    • Open the assessment matrix template. Enter each scenario as a row in the assessment matrix.
    • Enter each architectural strategy as a column. The intersection of strategies and scenarios are the cells where each strategy is rated against a scenario.


    Rate Strategies

    • Review the matrix and evaluate each cell in terms of value, development cost, and operations cost. Each rating is either low, low-medium, medium, medium-high, or high.
    • Value is the overall quality of the solution that will be derived from applying the strategy to the scenario and also incorporates an assessment of risk.
    • Development cost is the effort expected to realize the scenario in the context of the strategy.
    • Operations cost is the expected run-time efficacy of the strategy in the context of the scenario.
    • If a proof of concept has been built for a strategy, use information from that proof of concept to help determine the value, development cost, and operations cost.


    Normalize Matrix

    • Review the matrix a second time and calculate a rating number for each cell. Use the provided rate table in the assessment matrix template to calculate the numbers. For example, a cell with a value of Moderate (1), development cost of High (0), and operations cost of Low (2) equals a total rating number of 3.
    • Upload the completed assessment matrix to the project portal.

    Exit Criteria

    Architecture assessment matrix is created.

    (C) 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    MSF for CMMI Process Improvement: Build 050707