Report: Bugs by Priority
Activities using this report
Are the correct bugs being found and triaged? Bugs reported by priority assess the effectiveness of two things: bug hunting and triage. Discovering bugs is a normal part of product development. Often however, the easy-to-find bugs aren’t the ones that will annoy customers the most. If the high-priority bugs are not being found and a disproportionate number of low-priority bugs are, redirect the testing efforts to look for the bugs that matter. In triage, it is easy to over-prioritize bugs beyond the capacity to resolve them, or under-prioritize them to the point where customers are highly dissatisfied.
Healthy Example
The total active bugs are falling, and the priority 1 bugs are falling fastest.
Data Series
Line |
Description |
Side by Side |
- The series are: total active bugs at the time of the team build, number found in build, and number resolved in build. These are the same three series of bars representing similar data to the bug rates graph.
Stacking |
- Each series is further broken into priority, so that each bar stacks from highest to lowest priority, with lowest on top.
Interpretation |
- If there are many high priority bugs active, be sure that the capacity exists to address them. On the other hand, a significant debt of low priority bugs may also lead to customer dissatisfaction.
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