Design by Contract Programming in C++

The Eiffel programming language introduced "design by contract" to object oriented programming. The main idea here is to model interfaces between classes as contracts. In this article, we will be applying this powerful technique to C++ programming.

Interfaces as Contracts

In legal terms, a contract is a binding document that describes the responsibilities and expectations of the parties entering into the contract. Interfaces between classes can be modeled in the same way. Whenever an object invokes a method of an other object, this interaction should be viewed as a contract between the caller and the called method. This contract consists of the following conditions:

Design by Contract Framework

We will consider an example here to see how "design by contract" is implemented in C++. We start by looking at the basic framework for design by contract. The framework consists of the following macros that are available only in the debug mode. The macros are defined to blank in the release build.


Design by Contract Framework
// Object class is the base class for all

// objects in the system. All classes inheriting from this class need 

// to define a method IsValid. This method should perform a

// consistency check on the state of the object. Note that 

// this method needs to be defined only when a debug build is made

class Object



#ifdef _DEBUG

    bool IsValid() const = 0;




#ifdef _DEBUG

// The debug mode also defines the following macros. Failure of any of these macros leads to

// program termination. The user is notified of the error condition with the right file name

// and line number. The actual failing operation is also printed using the stringizing operator #

#define ASSERT(bool_expression) if (!(bool_expression)) abort_program(__FILE__, __LINE__, #bool_expression)

#define IS_VALID(obj) ASSERT((obj) != NULL && (obj)->IsValid())

#define REQUIRE(bool_expression) ASSERT(bool_expression)

#define ENSURE(bool_expression) ASSERT(bool_expression)


// When built in release mode, the _DEBUG flag would not be defined, thus there will be no overhead

// in the final release from these checks.

#define ASSERT(ignore) ((void) 0)

#define IS_VALID(ignore) ((void) 0) 

#define REQUIRE(ignore) ((void) 0)

#define ENSURE(ignore) ((void) 0)


Debug and Release Builds

The "design by contract" framework can work only if the programmers can introduce aggressive checks without having to worrying about their performance implications. The main idea here is that lab testing of the product should be done with debug builds (i.e. _DEBUG flag is defined) where all the "design by contract" macros are enabled. These macros will allow you to zero in on the faults very quickly as all breach of contract conditions are being checked. This can dramatically lower the debugging time in a large project. This means you will have less of those unhealthy finger pointing sessions when bugs have to be isolated.

When the product is ready to be shipped, the release build can be made. This build will disable all the macros used in the "design by contract" framework. Thus you will obtain complete performance. If CPU performance is not a big issue, in the initial deployment you may decide to retain the macros and replace the exit condition in the ASSERT macro with exception throwing. Thus you have complete control on the level of debugging you wish to have in the final product.

An important thing to note here is that the "design by contract" framework is not a replacement for defensive programming. You still write defensive code which handles error conditions even in the release build. You can view the contract checking as a diagnostic programming technique that allows you to be extra suspicious in handling contracts when the implementation of the contract is new and untested. When you get comfortable with the contract implementation, you turn off the extra suspicious checking.

Another benefit of "design by contract" technique is that it gives you extra diagnostic capability without compromising readability. There is no need to add redundant if statements for diagnostic programming.  In fact, these macros will actually improve the readability as they clearly state the expectations of the caller and the called methods.

An Example of Design by Contract Programming

Here we have taken an example from the STL Design Patterns article and added support for the "design by contract" framework. All the additions to the original Terminal Manager are shown in bold.

Terminal Manager
#include <map>      // Header file include for map

using std;          // STL containers are defined in std namespace

class TerminalManager : public Object


   // The map is keyed with the terminal id and stores pointers to Terminals.

   // terminal id is an integer, terminal ids can be in the entire range for

   // an integer and they will still be efficiently stored inside a map.

   typedef map<int, Terminal *> TerminalMap;

   TerminalMap m_terminalMap;

   int m_managerType;

   FaultManager m_faultManager;


#ifdef _DEBUG

   // IsValid methods play an important role in checking the consistency

   // of objects in the debug. IsValid is defined as a pure virtual function

   // in Object class, thus it needs to be overriden in all inheriting classes.

   // The inheriting class should perform defensive checks to make

   // sure that it is in a consistent state/

   // Also note that this method is only available in the debug build.

   virtual bool IsValid() const


       return (m_terminalMap.count() <= MAX_TERMINALS_PER_MANAGER && m_managerType < MAX_MANAGER_TYPES && m_faultManager.IsValid()); } #endif

   Status AddTerminal(int terminalId, int type)


      // Checking Preconditions


      Status status;


      // Check if the terminal is already present in the map. count()

      // returns the total number of entries that are keyed by terminalId

      if(m_terminalMap.count(terminalId) == 0)


         // count() returned zero, so no entries are present in the map

         Terminal *pTerm = new Terminal(terminalId, type);


         // Make sure that the newly created terminal is in consistent state



         // Since map overloads the array operator [ ], it gives 

         // the illusion of indexing into an array. The following

         // line makes an entry into the map

         m_terminalMap[termId] = pTerm;


         status = SUCCESS;




         // count() returned a non zero value, so the terminal is already

         // present.

         status = FAILURE;



      // Checking post conditions:

      // 1. TerminalManager should be consistent

      // 2. The new terminal should always be found

      // 3. The manager should not be controlling more terminals

      //    than allowed

      // 4. Make sure correct return code is being returned.



      ENSURE(m_terminalMap.count() <= MAX_TERMINALS_PER_MANAGER)); ENSURE(status="=" SUCCESS || status="=" FAILURE);       return status;



   Status RemoveTerminal(int terminalId)


      // Check pre-conditions

      // Note: Here the REQUIRE macro makes sure that

      // terminal to be deleted is actually present. A similar

      // check will be done in the main body of the code.

      // The duplicate check in the REQUIRE macro allows flagging

      // the error earlier.



      Status status;

      // Check if the terminal is present

      if (m_terminalMap.count(terminalId) == 1)


         // Save the pointer that is being deleted from the map

         Terminal *pTerm = m_terminalMap[terminalId]; 


         // Make sure that terminal object being deleted is in a consistent

         // state



         // Erase the entry from the map. This just frees up the memory for

         // the pointer. The actual object is freed up using delete


         delete pTerm;


         status = SUCCESS;




         status = FAILURE;


      // Checking Post-conditions:

      // 1. Terminal has been successfully deleted (terminal find

      //    should return NULL)

      // 2. Only valid status should be returned.

      // 3. Terminal Manager is in a consistent state

      ENSURE(FindTerminal(terminalId) == NULL);

      ENSURE(status == SUCCESS || status == FAILURE);



      return status;



  // Find the terminal for a given terminal id, return

  // NULL if terminal not found

  Terminal *FindTerminal(int terminalId)


     Terminal *pTerm;

     if (m_terminalMap.count(terminalId) == 1)


        pTerm = m_terminalMap[terminalId];




         pTerm = NULL;



     return pTerm;



  void HandleMessage(const Message *pMsg)


     // Check pre-conditions:




     int terminalId = pMsg->GetTerminalId();


     Terminal *pTerm;


     pTerm = FindTerminal(terminalId);


     if (pTerm)




