<<Project Name>>

End-User Support Plan


Customer Name




Directions for using template:

Read the Guidance (Arial blue font in brackets) to understand the information that should be placed in each section of this template. Then delete the Guidance and replace the placeholder within <<Begin text here>> with your response. There may be additional Guidance in the Appendix of some documents, which should also be deleted once it has been used.


Some templates have four levels of headings.  They are not indented, but can be differentiated by font type and size:

You may elect to indent sections for readability.







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Version: 1.0







































Ó 2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

The information contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication.

This document is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS DOCUMENT.

Microsoft and Visual Basic are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft in the United States and/or other countries.


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Document Properties



Document Title

End-User Support Plan



Creation Date


Last Updated




Table of Contents



Usability Requirements

Technical Communications

Training for End-users


Graphic Design



Pilot End-user Support




[Introduction to the Template


Description: The End-user Support Plan guides how the end-users are supported in their use of the solution. End-users do not include development, project management or IT operations staff that help to create the solution. Rather they refer to those who will use the end product.


This plan exists in conjunction with other plans that may contain information relevant to the end-user, but is not primarily focused on them. This includes documents such as the Deployment Plan and Support Plan. Document authors should ensure plans are consistent.


Justification: Satisfied customers are a focus for any solution. The End-user Support Plan demonstrates how the team values this focus. It also provides a roadmap to the end-user on how the solution will be implemented from a user perspective and results in greater support and acceptance from them. Incorporating end-user input into this plan will also provide end-user ownership of the solution.


{Team Role Primary: User Experience; User Experience is the advocate for the end-user. They will drive the content of the six functional areas of the user experience that are outlined in this document. Input is provided primarily from the user requirements document, but is also influenced by the other requirements documents.


Team Role Secondary: Development; Development must be aware of end-user support requirements to incorporate them into the solution they build. Test; Test will verify that this plan meets the functional specifications. Release Management; Release Management is responsible for support and must implement the solution that will meet end-users’ requirements.}]




[Description: Provide a summary of the content of the document.


Justification: Some readers may need to know only the highlights of the plan, and summarizing creates that user view. It also enables the full reader to know the essence of the document before they examine the details.]

<<Begin text here>>



[Description: The Objectives section describes the key objectives of the end-user support activities in terms of creating end-user buy in and a solution that meets their needs.


Justification: Identifying objectives ensures that the plan’s authors have carefully considered the situation and solution and created an appropriate end-user support approach.]

<<Begin text here>>


Usability Requirements

[Description: The Usability Requirements section describes end-user requirements for the solution. This includes how they will interact with the solution features, preferred and alternative methods of interacting with the system, changes and adjustments users need to be able to make to the system, etc. The six sub-sections below are the key functional areas for the end-users.]


Technical Communications

[Description: The Technical Communications section identifies and describes the methods for communicating solution information to the customer. This should include a list of the categories of solution information and how each will be provided to the user. An example of this is “help” information, which could be delivered via online help files, an intranet site, or other means.]

<<Begin text here>>


Training for End-users

[Description: The Training for End-users section describes the training that will be provided to the end user. This may include the courses, workshops, online tutorials or other training mediums that will be developed and made available.]

<<Begin text here>>



[Description: The Usability section describes what the general user interface of the solution will contain. This could include context sensitive help, error message handling, dialogue boxes, or other features in the solution the user will directly interact with.]

<<Begin text here>>


Graphic Design

[Description: The Graphic Design section describes how any corporate branding, style guides, color palettes, fonts and images are to be handled in the interface design standards.]

<<Begin text here>>



[Description: The Internationalization section describes any globalization or localization issues that will need to be incorporated into the solution. These may include:

·         Changes to make the feature or procedure appropriate to a market outside North America

·         Changes for different languages

·         How versions will implement the feature differently]

<<Begin text here>>



[Description: The Accessibility section describes accessibility requirements for addressing the needs of computer users with functional limitations, including considerations for issues such as:

·         Visual Impairments

-          Screen enlargements or readers

-          Speech recognition or systemization

·         Mobility Impairments

-          Alternative pointing devices

-          On-screen keyboards]

<<Begin text here>>


Pilot End-user Support

[Description: The Pilot End-user Support section describes how end-users will be supported during the pilot phase. This should include any necessary training, technical documentation, and other items that must be in place to ensure a successful pilot.


Justification: A pilot should replicate those aspects of the full deployment process, and this must include the end-user support functions.]

<<Begin text here>>