Enterprise Library—Lab Exercises

Lab 8: Build your own Block

After completing this lab, you will be able to:

  • Abstract some functionality into an external application.
  • Support run-time configurable multiple providers.

Third party modification:


WARNING: This is a code heavy lab.
Your reward for finishing this lab (or skipping to the end to run the end solution) will be to have a Clippit™ like character that knows when you are writing a letter.
This lab uses the String Resource Tool for localization, which you have included under labs/setup Please install this unless you have a newer or Microsoft version. The newest version can always been found on the Readify project distributor Website.
In this lab, you will abstract some functionality into a new application block. The steps to do this are:
[Exercise 1]
  • Create an abstract client API and plugin API, using the provider model
  • Create configuration data for the provider factory and a custom provider
  • Create a provider factory derived from the Configuration Block ProviderFactory class
  • Create a concrete provider by implementing the plugin API.
  • Create design time configuration assembly for the provider factory configuration data and custom provider.
[Exercise 2]
  • Create configuration data for the included providers.
  • Create design time configuration classes for the included providers.
[Exercise 3]
  • Implement external providers in a separate assembly.
Other steps that would typically occur, which you won't cover in this lab:
  • Build unit tests for the providers in the block.
  • Document all the classes in the block (and integrate with VS.NET).

Estimated Time To Complete this lab: 60 minutes.

Exercise 1: Review Current Application

In this exercise, you will investigate the piece of re-usable functionality that you want to turn into an application block.

First step

  • Open the Ex01.sln file, and build the solution.

Run the application

  • Run the application, and type the following (do not copy & paste):
    dear sir,
    thank you for your interest in patterns, you hope you enjoy Enterprise Library.
    yours sincerely,
    p&p team
    See the file SmartWords.txt in the EditorApplication project for a list of the phrases detected.
  • As you can see, some phrases are automatically matched, and associated text is displayed in the status bar at the bottom.

Review the Application code

  • Close the application.
  • Open the file EditorForm.cs, right-click and select View Code.
  • Find the method DisplayNotification. You will change the method by abstracting out the notification to the user, and make it configurable at deployment.
  • Close Visual Studio.

Exercise 2: Create a Notification Block

Exercise 2: Create a Notification Block in wizard format

This exercise will create the notification application block, and support adding external providers.

First step

  • Open the Ex02.sln file, and build the solution.

Create the abstract API

  • You have created a new project, called Notification (FourthCoffee.Framework.Notification.dll), which will contain the API for our application block, as well as a single provider. You have created skeleton files for all the files you need to implement.
  • Open the file INotificationProvider.cs in the Notification project. Add the following interface within the namespace. This will be our provider interface.
    /// <summary>
    /// Interface exposed by any provider that supports notification
    /// </summary>
    public interface INotificationProvider : IConfigurationProvider
        /// <summary>
        /// Display a message to the user.
        /// This method must not block execution, so if the message display
        /// will take any length of time, it should occur asynchronously.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">The parent form to use when displaying the message</param>
        /// <param name="message">The message to display to the user</param>
        void DisplayMessage(Form parent, string message);
    Note that the provider interface derives from IConfigurationProvider. This ensures that any implementation of the provider can be initialized through configuration. It also means, however, that all clients of this API must also add a reference to the Configuration assembly.

Create the configuration data for the block

  • Within the Configuration folder, open the NotificationSettings.cs file. Add the following class within the namespace definition:
    [XmlRoot("notificationSettings", Namespace=NotificationSettings.ConfigurationNamespace)]
    public class NotificationSettings
        public const string ConfigurationNamespace = "http://www.fourthcoffee.com/framework/03-01-2005/notification";
        public const string SectionName = "notificationConfiguration";

    The XmlRoot attribute is important to specify the namespace of the XML as it appears when serialized, required to make the XML unambiguous. You will reference these two public constants throughout the rest of the code.
  • Add the following properties and backing fields to the NotificationSettings class:
    private NotificationProviderDataCollection _notificationProviders = new NotificationProviderDataCollection();
    private string _defaultNotificationProviderName = null;
    [XmlArrayItem(ElementName="notificationProvider", Type=typeof(NotificationProviderData))]
    public NotificationProviderDataCollection NotificationProviders
        get { return _notificationProviders; }
    public string DefaultNotificationProviderName
        get { return _defaultNotificationProviderName; }
        set { _defaultNotificationProviderName = value; }
    The NotificationProviders property provides the data for the configured notification providers. Note that the type of the property should derive from ProviderDataCollection (defined in the Configuration assembly), to support some of the design time functionality (as you shall show later).
    The DefaultNotificationProviderName property will be used to allow the client of the block to not specify a provider name, and use a default specified in configuration.
    The Xml* attributes are being used to customize the saved XML.
  • Open the NotificationProviderData.cs file, and implement the NotificationProviderData class. This will contain the base class that all the configuration for the providers will derive from. This class is used for two purposes:
    1. To contain any common configuration data that all providers use. In this case you do not have any common configuration settings for all our providers (apart from Name and Type, which are defined in the ProviderData base class).
    2. This is also the location where you can add static XmlInclude attributes that will allow the XmlSerializer to de-serialize derived classes. Of course, you can only add XmlInclude attributes for classes in this assembly. You will see in the next exercise how to include additional classes for externally defined providers.



public abstract class NotificationProviderData : ProviderData
  • Open the CustomNotificationData.cs file, and implement the CustomNotificationData class. This class is responsible for holding the type information and supporting additional weakly typed configuration data for providers which do not have design time support.
    [XmlRoot("notificationProvider", Namespace=NotificationSettings.ConfigurationNamespace)]
    public class CustomNotificationData : NotificationProviderData
        private string _typeName;
        private NameValueItemCollection _attributes = new NameValueItemCollection();
        public override string TypeName
            get { return _typeName; }
            set { _typeName = value; }
        public NameValueItemCollection Attributes
            get { return this._attributes; }
    NOTE: It is very important that the XmlRoot attribute exists, and specifies a namespace. If a namespace is not specified, then the configuration data cannot be de-serialized by the XmlSerializer (as the de-serializer will be looking for a blank namespace, when the XML namespace will actually be set by the containing XML elements).
  • Open NotificationProviderDataCollection.cs. Implement the provider collection class:
    public class NotificationProviderDataCollection : ProviderDataCollection
        public NotificationProviderData this[int index]
            get { return (NotificationProviderData) GetProvider(index); }
            set { SetProvider(index, value); }
        public NotificationProviderData this[string name]
            get { return (NotificationProviderData) GetProvider(name); }
            set { SetProvider(name, value); }
        public void Add(NotificationProviderData providerData)
    This class is used by the Settings class to maintain the list of provider data. It should derive from the ProviderDataCollection class (rather than, for example, CollectionBase), because the configuration design time support can provide additional functionality with ProviderDataCollection based classes.
  • Create the configuration view

    • The configuration view class is responsible for querying the configuration subsystem for the current configuration information. By using this class, the provider will automatically get the latest configuration information, even if the configuration has changed on disk while the application is running.
    • Open the NotificationConfigurationView.csfile. Implement the NotificationConfigurationView class with the following code:
      public class NotificationConfigurationView : ConfigurationView
          public NotificationConfigurationView(ConfigurationContext context) : base(context)
          public virtual NotificationSettings GetNotificationSettings()
              return (NotificationSettings) ConfigurationContext.GetConfiguration(NotificationSettings.SectionName);
          public virtual NotificationProviderData GetNotificationProviderData(string providerName)
              ArgumentValidation.CheckForNullReference(providerName, "sinkName");
              ArgumentValidation.CheckForEmptyString(providerName, "sinkName");
              NotificationSettings settings = GetNotificationSettings();
              NotificationProviderData sinkData = settings.NotificationProviders[providerName];
              if (null == sinkData)
                  throw new ConfigurationException(SR.NoSuchProviderDefined(providerName));
              return sinkData;
      The ConfigurationContext class will load and cache the configuration section defined in the application configuration. It will also automatically re-load the configuration on demand if it is changed in the source (e.g. on disk).

    Create the notification provider factory

    • OpenNotificationProviderFactory.cs, and add the following class:
      public class NotificationProviderFactory : ProviderFactory
          public NotificationProviderFactory() : this(ConfigurationManager.GetCurrentContext())
          public NotificationProviderFactory(ConfigurationContext configurationContext) :
              base(SR.HandlerFactoryName, configurationContext, typeof(INotificationProvider))
          private NotificationConfigurationView GetConfigurationView()
              return new NotificationConfigurationView(this.ConfigurationContext);           
          // TODO: Implement protected overloads to provide type information
          // TODO: Implement strongly-typed creation methods
    • Add the following methods, which are required for the base class factory implementation to work:
      protected override ConfigurationView CreateConfigurationView()
          return GetConfigurationView();
      protected override string GetDefaultInstanceName()
          return GetConfigurationView().GetNotificationSettings().DefaultNotificationProviderName;
      protected override Type GetConfigurationType(string configurationName)
       string typeName = GetConfigurationView().GetNotificationProviderData(configurationName).TypeName;
          return base.GetType(typeName);
    • Add the following methods, which provide strongly typed creation of the providers:
      public INotificationProvider GetNotificationProvider()
          return (INotificationProvider) base.CreateDefaultInstance();
      public INotificationProvider  GetNotificationProvider(string providerName)
          return (INotificationProvider) base.CreateInstance(providerName);

    Create a static Factory class for one-line creation of providers

    • Open the NotificationFactory.cs file, and create the following NotificationFactory class, which provides static helper methods to create an instance of the notification provider (default provider and named provider):
      public sealed class NotificationFactory
          private NotificationFactory()
          public static INotificationProvider GetNotificationProvider()
              NotificationProviderFactory factory = new NotificationProviderFactory();
              return factory.GetNotificationProvider();
          public static INotificationProvider GetNotificationProvider(string providerName)
              NotificationProviderFactory factory = new NotificationProviderFactory();
              return factory.GetNotificationProvider(providerName);

    Implement a weakly typed provider

    • Open StatusBarNotificationProvider.cs. Within the file, you have partially implemented the Status Bar Notification Provider. This provider will search for a status bar in the form which is asking for notification (or its parent), and then display the message for a certain length of time in the status bar.
    • Derive the class from ConfgurationProvider, and implement the INotificationProvider interface (changed code in bold):
      public class StatusBarNotificationProvider : ConfigurationProvider, INotificationProvider
      The ConfigurationProvider base class implements the IConfigurationProvider interface, and manages the Configuration Name of the provider. This class must then override the Initialize method of the ConfigurationProvider to be able to obtain configuration data later.
    • Implement the Initialize method with the following code:
      NotificationConfigurationView config = null;
      public override void Initialize(ConfigurationView configurationView)
          ArgumentValidation.CheckExpectedType(configurationView, typeof(NotificationConfigurationView));
          config = (NotificationConfigurationView) configurationView;
    • Implement the DisplayMessage method (from INotificationProvider) with the following code:
      public void DisplayMessage(Form parent, string message)
          // Default display timeout
          int displayTimeout = 2000;
          CustomNotificationData configData =
          if (configData.Attributes.GetNameValueItem("DisplayTimeout") != null)
              displayTimeout = int.Parse(configData.Attributes.GetNameValueItem("DisplayTimeout").Value);
          StatusBar bar = SearchForStatusBar(parent);
          StatusBarManager manager = new StatusBarManager(bar);
          manager.Display(message, displayTimeout);
      This code obtains the current display timeout value using the Custom notification configuration data, if set, finds the status bar, and then uses the StatusBarManager class to display the message.

    Add design time support

    • You have now implemented all the run-time provider infrastructure that you need. You now need to create the design-time support for the configuration console. Build the solution and fix any compile errors at this point.
    • Open NotificationProviderNode.cs in the Notification.Configuration.Design project. Implement the Notification Provider Node class, which is the design time representation of the NotificationProviderData class:
      public abstract class NotificationProviderNode : ConfigurationNode
          public abstract NotificationProviderData NotificationProviderData
          protected override void OnSited()
              Site.Name = NotificationProviderData.Name;
          protected override void OnRenamed(ConfigurationNodeChangedEventArgs e)
              base.OnRenamed (e);
              NotificationProviderData.Name = e.Node.Name;
      This class is abstract, as each of the provider types (at this point there is only the Custom Notification Provider), will have their own concrete xyzNode class that is used to manipulate their data.
      The Image tag is used to provide the bitmap that will be displayed in the tree. In this case, a bitmap named NotificationProviderNode.bmp should be in the project as an embedded resource.
      The OnSited and OnRenamed methods are use to pull and push the Name information from/to the underlying NotificationProviderData instance (which is provided by the concrete xyzNode class).
    • Open the CustomNotificationProviderNode.cs file, and implement the CustomNotificationProviderNode class, which is used to manipulate the CustomNotificationData configuration class.
      public class CustomNotificationProviderNode : NotificationProviderNode
          private CustomNotificationData customNotificationData;
          public override NotificationProviderData NotificationProviderData
                  return customNotificationData;
          // Initializes node with default data.
          public CustomNotificationProviderNode()
              this.customNotificationData = new CustomNotificationData();
              this.customNotificationData.Name = SR.DefaultCustomNotificationProviderNodeName;
          // Initializes node with loaded data.
          public CustomNotificationProviderNode(CustomNotificationData customNotificationData)
              this.customNotificationData = customNotificationData;

          // TODO: Add properties that provide design-time access to configuration class
      This class is the design-time access class for the custom notification provider's configuration data.
    • Add the Attributes property to the CustomNotificationProviderNode class:
          public NameValueItemCollection Attributes
              get { return customNotificationData.Attributes; }
      The SRDescription and SRCategory attributes are attribute classes that use resources to specify the Description and Category at runtime of the particular property in the property grid. This is used to support localization.
      The SR class is code-generated from the SR.strings file, which is also located in the same project. The Custom Tool that is used to generate the strongly-typed resource class can be downloaded from the link at the top of this lab.
    • Add the Type Property to the Same Class:
          [Editor(typeof(TypeSelectorEditor), typeof(UITypeEditor))]
          public virtual string TypeName
              get { return customNotificationData.TypeName; }
              set { customNotificationData.TypeName = value; }
      This property uses the EditorAttribute (from System.ComponentModel) to specify the editor to use when displaying this property in the property grid. In this case, the editor is the Enterprise Library type selection dialog, which uses the BaseType attribute to filter the types available.
      The Required attribute (from the Configuration block) is used by Configuration Block validation to ensure that the property has been set before the user can save the configuration in the console.
    • Open the NotificationSettingsNode.cs, and implement the NotificationSettingsNode class, which represents the root node of the Notification Block:
      [Image(typeof (NotificationSettingsNode))]
      public class NotificationSettingsNode : ConfigurationNode
          private NotificationSettings notificationSettings;
          public NotificationSettingsNode() : this(new NotificationSettings())
          public NotificationSettingsNode(NotificationSettings notificationSettings)
              this.notificationSettings = notificationSettings;
          /// <summary>
          /// The configured name.
          /// </summary>
          public override string Name
                  return base.Name;
                  base.Name = value;
          /// <summary>
          /// Retrieves configuration data based on the current state of the node.
          /// </summary>
          /// <returns>Configuration data for this node.</returns>
          public virtual NotificationSettings NotificationSettings
                  foreach (NotificationProviderNode node in this.Nodes)
                  return notificationSettings;
    • During the life-cycle of a node in the configuration console, it has a few chances to change the host environment. When this node is added to the console (e.g. when an application configuration file is loaded), you need to add all the nodes for each of the notification providers configured. Similarly, when given the chance to add menu items, you want to add a menu item under this node to create new notification providers. Add the following code to the NotificationSettingsNode class:
      protected override void OnSited()
          base.OnSited ();
          Site.Name = SR.DefaultNotificationSettingsNodeName;
      protected override void OnAddMenuItems()
          base.OnAddMenuItems ();
      The CreateDynamicNodes call will iterate through the NotificationProviders collection, and create nodes of the appropriate type based on the type of the instance of the object in that collection. The mapping from configuration data type to node data type is performed within a ConfigurationDesignManager (as you will do later).
      CreateDynamicMenuItems, similarly, will iterate through any registered node types that are derived from the given type, and create menu items for them.
    • You need to add a property to this class to allow the user to select a default notification provider. Once selected, you need to ensure that the name of the provider stored within the NotificationSettings class always matches the name of the provider within its own NotificationProviderData class. You also need to take care of the case where the user selects a provider as the default, and then deletes it. Unfortunately, there is no succinct way of doing this, and so the following code is quite complex. In future versions of Enterprise Library, there may be a shortcut way of implementing it.
      Add the following code to the NotificationSettingsNode class:


      NotificationProviderNode defaultNotificationProviderNode = null;
      [Editor(typeof(ReferenceEditor), typeof(UITypeEditor))]
      public NotificationProviderNode DefaultNotificationInstance
          get { return defaultNotificationProviderNode; }
              ILinkNodeService service = GetService(typeof(ILinkNodeService)) as ILinkNodeService;
              Debug.Assert(service != null, "Could not get the ILinkNodeService");
              defaultNotificationProviderNode = (NotificationProviderNode)service.CreateReference(
                  new ConfigurationNodeChangedEventHandler(OnNotificationDefaultProviderRemoved),
                  new ConfigurationNodeChangedEventHandler(OnNotificationDefaultProviderRenamed));
              this.notificationSettings.DefaultNotificationProviderName = (defaultNotificationProviderNode != null) ? this.defaultNotificationProviderNode.Name : string.Empty;
      private void OnNotificationDefaultProviderRenamed(object sender, ConfigurationNodeChangedEventArgs args)
          this.notificationSettings.DefaultNotificationProviderName = (defaultNotificationProviderNode != null) ? this.defaultNotificationProviderNode.Name : string.Empty;
      private void OnNotificationDefaultProviderRemoved(object sender, ConfigurationNodeChangedEventArgs args)
          this.defaultNotificationProviderNode = null;
      private void ResolveDefaultNotificationNode()
          if ((notificationSettings.DefaultNotificationProviderName == null) || (notificationSettings.DefaultNotificationProviderName.Length == 0)) return;
          DefaultNotificationInstance = Hierarchy.FindNodeByName(this, notificationSettings.DefaultNotificationProviderName) as NotificationProviderNode;
      public override void ResolveNodeReferences()
          base.ResolveNodeReferences ();
      The Editor attribute will create a drop-down, which is populated with node instances which derive from NotificationProviderNode (specified in the ReferenceType attribute).
    • The last class you need to implement is called a Configuration Design Manager. It is responsible for loading the configuration into the designer, registering node types and XML includes, and saving the configuration.
      Open NotificationConfigurationDesignManager.cs, and un-comment the NotificationConfigurationDesignManager class.


      The CreateCommands method is responsible for adding the new notification section menu item to the root node of the application in the console.
      The RegisterNodeTypes method is responsible for registering settings and provider node types, which allow the dynamic menu item creation to work.
    • Finally, in order for the configuration console to use the Configuration Design Manager you created, you need to put the assembly in the same directory as the configuration console, and use an assembly attribute to provide the type of the design manager.
      You have already changed the build directory to be the Enterprise Library bin directory (you can check in the project properties window).
      Open the AssemblyInfo.cs file in the Notification.Configuration.Design project, and add the following attribute at the bottom:


      [assembly : ConfigurationDesignManager(typeof(NotificationConfigurationDesignManager))]

    Run the configuration console

    • You have now completed the framework for the new application block. You now have an application block that will appear within the configuration console, supports run-time configuration re-loads, and that you can extend with additional providers at run-time.
    • Build the solution, and ensure that it built successfully.
    • Run the Enterprise Library Configuration tool.  From the Windows Start menu select All Programs | Microsoft patterns and practices | Enterprise Library | Enterprise Library Configuration.
    • Select File | Open Application and browse to the App.config file located here [ex02\begin\EditorApplication].
    • Right-click over the Application node, and add a new Notification section.
    • Add a new custom notification provider.
    • Click on the TypeName property. Click the elipsis, and select the type StatusBarNotificationProvider.
    • Click on the Attributes property, and add a new attribute:
      Name: DisplayTimeout
      Value: 3000
    • Select the Notification section, and set the default provider to Custom Notification Provider.
    • Select the File | Save All menu command to save the configuration.

    Change the client application

    • You have already created post-build steps, and added the required references and using statements.
      Within the EditorApplication project, right-click over the EditorForm.cs file and select View Code.
      Change the DisplayNotification method to (modified code in bold):


      private void DisplayNotification(string description)
              INotificationProvider provider = NotificationFactory.GetNotificationProvider();
              provider.DisplayMessage(this, description);
          catch (Exception ex)

    Run the application

    • Run the application, and type the following (do not copy & paste):
      dear sir,
      thank you for your interest in patterns, you hope you enjoy Enterprise Library.
      yours sincerely,
      p&p team
      See the file SmartWords.txt in the EditorApplication project for a list of the phrases detected.
    • Close the Configuration console, if it is running. Re-open it, but this time open the application configuration file from the ex02\begin\EditorApplication\bin\Debug directory (here). Try changing the DisplayTimeout attribute value in the configuration console while the application is running. It may take up to 15 seconds for a change to take effect.

    To check the finished solution labs\cs\Build Your Own Block\exercises\ex02\end\Ex02.sln

    Exercise 3: Add strongly typed configuration data

    In this exercise, you will change the status bar provider to use strongly typed configuration data.

    First step

    • Open the labs\exercises\ex03\begin\Ex03.sln file, and build the solution.

    Add run-time configuration

    • Open the new file StatusBarNotificationData.cs, which is in the Configuration folder of the Notification project.
      Implement the StatusBarNotificationData class with the following code:


      [XmlRoot("notificationProvider", Namespace=NotificationSettings.ConfigurationNamespace)]
      public class StatusBarNotificationData : NotificationProviderData
          public override string TypeName
              get { return typeof(StatusBarNotificationProvider).AssemblyQualifiedName; }
              set { }
          int _displayTimeout = 2000;
          public int DisplayTimeout
              get { return _displayTimeout; }
              set { _displayTimeout = value; }
      The XmlRoot attribute is required to ensure that the namespace of the class is set, for the same reasons as the CustomNotificationData above.
      The XmlIgnore attribute is used because the type of the provider does not need to be serialized, as it will always be the same. (The TypeName property is used at runtime by the notification provider factory to specify the concrete type of the provider).
      The DisplayTimeout property will contain the timeout in ms, with a default of 2000 ms.
    • Open the file NotificationProviderData.cs, and add the following XmlInclude attribute before the class definition (inserted code in bold):
      public abstract class NotificationProviderData : ProviderData
      This is used to allow the Xml Serializer infrastructure to de-serialize the StatusBarNotificationData class when de-serializing the NotificationProvideDataCollection instance.
    • Open the file StatusBarNotificationProvider.cs, and change the DisplayMessage method as below (modified code in bold):
      public void DisplayMessage(Form parent, string message)

          StatusBarNotificationData configData =
          int displayTimeout = configData.DisplayTimeout;
          StatusBar bar = SearchForStatusBar(parent);
          StatusBarManager manager = new StatusBarManager(bar);
          manager.Display(message, displayTimeout);

    Add design time configuration support

    • Within the Notification.Configuration.Design project, open the new file StatusBarNotificationNode.cs, and implement the StatusBarNotificationNode class:
      public class StatusBarNotificationNode : NotificationProviderNode
          private StatusBarNotificationData statusBarNotificationData;
          public override NotificationProviderData NotificationProviderData
                  return statusBarNotificationData;
          public StatusBarNotificationNode()
              this.statusBarNotificationData = new StatusBarNotificationData();
              this.statusBarNotificationData.Name = SR.DefaultSatusBarNotificationNodeName;
          public StatusBarNotificationNode(StatusBarNotificationData statusBarNotificationData)
              this.statusBarNotificationData = statusBarNotificationData;
          public int DisplayTimeout
              get { return statusBarNotificationData.DisplayTimeout;}
              set { statusBarNotificationData.DisplayTimeout = value; }               
      In order to implement the design time support, the Provider Node class must:
      1. Supply the configuration data instance that contains the Name to its base class
      2. Provide constructors for a new instance (adding a new provider), and for loading from a configuration file.
      3. Provide properties for each of the data properties that should be exposed, along with optional design time attributes.
  • Open the file NotificationConfigurationDesignManager.cs, and add the following code at the end of the RegisterNodeTypes method (inserted code in bold).
    private static void RegisterNodeTypes(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
        INodeCreationService nodeCreationService = ServiceHelper.GetNodeCreationService(serviceProvider);
        Type nodeType = typeof(CustomNotificationProviderNode);
        NodeCreationEntry entry = NodeCreationEntry.CreateNodeCreationEntryWithMultiples(new AddChildNodeCommand(serviceProvider, nodeType), nodeType, typeof(CustomNotificationData), SR.DefaultCustomNotificationProviderNodeName);
        nodeType = typeof(StatusBarNotificationNode);
        entry = NodeCreationEntry.CreateNodeCreationEntryWithMultiples(new AddChildNodeCommand(serviceProvider, nodeType), nodeType, typeof(StatusBarNotificationData), SR.DefaultSatusBarNotificationNodeName);
    This registers the new node (and associated data class) with the configuration console.
  • Build and Configure

    • Build the application, and check that there are no errors.
    • Run the Enterprise Library Configuration tool.  From the Windows Start menu select All Programs | Microsoft patterns and practices | Enterprise Library | Enterprise Library Configuration.
    • Select File | Open Application and browse to the App.configfile located here.
    • There is already a notification section configured. Add a new Status Bar Notification.
    • Set the DisplayTimeout to 3000.
    • Select the Notification section, and set the default provider to Status Bar Notification.
    • Select the File | Save All menu command to save the configuration.
    • Run the application, and test some the smart words.

    To check the finished solution labs/cs/Build%20Your%20Own%20Block/exercises/ex03/end/Ex03.sln

    Exercise 4: Add external providers

    In this exercise you will add two providers for notification, one based on MS Agent, and the other using a scrolling title bar to display information.

    First step

    • Open the labs\exercises\ex04\begin\Ex04.sln Ex04.sln file, and build the solution.

    Review the extended providers

    • In the Notification.Extended project are two new providers, one to scroll the message in the forms title bar, the other uses the Microsoft Agent technology to display the messages.


    • Open the FormTitleNotificationNode class in the Notification.Extended.Configuration.Design project.
      This class demonstrates using the validation attributes that are part of the Enterprise Library configuration validation namespace (AssertRange), as well as showing mapping between data values in the runtime configuration, and design-time views.
    • Open the AgentNotificationNode class.
      This class demonstrates using the FilteredFileNameEditor which allows browsing for a filename in the property grid, as well as the FileValidation attribute which will check that the file exists.

    View the registration code for the external providers

    • The one difference when creating providers in external assemblies, compared to what you did with the status bar notification provider, is managing the XML serialization.
      With providers defined in external assemblies, it is necessary to tell the configuration console to include those types used within the configuration for XML Serialization. This is done in the Configuration Design Manager.
      Open the file ConfigurationDesignManager.cs within the Notification.Extended.Configuration.Design project.
      The following code in RegisterXmlIncludeTypes method registers the types for Xml inclusion:


      private static void RegisterXmlIncludeTypes(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
          IXmlIncludeTypeService xmlIncludeTypeService = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IXmlIncludeTypeService)) as IXmlIncludeTypeService;

          xmlIncludeTypeService.AddXmlIncludeType(NotificationSettings.SectionName, typeof(FormTitleNotificationData));
          xmlIncludeTypeService.AddXmlIncludeType(NotificationSettings.SectionName, typeof(AgentNotificationData));

    Configure the application

    • Run the Enterprise Library Configuration tool.  From the Windows Start menu select All Programs | Microsoft patterns and practices | Enterprise Library | Enterprise Library Configuration.
    • Select File | Open Application and browse to the App.configfile located here [ex04\begin\EditorApplication].
    • Create a new notification provider for each of the types, Agent Notification & Form Title Notification.
    • Set the default notification provider to be the Agent provider.
    • Close the Configuration Console.

    Add a reference to the extended notification assembly from the application

    • Add a project reference to the EditorApplication by Project | Add Reference, and selecting the Notification.Extended project.

    Run the application

    • Build and Run the application. Test that the Agent appears when typing in any of the magic phrases.
    • Run the enterprise console, and this time open the application configuration file from the runtime directory of the application
    • Change the default provider, save, wait up to fifteen seconds, and then type some more magic words (see SmartWords.txt in the EditorApplication project for the list). You will see the new provider setting used. You can even change the agent that is being used on the fly, by selecting a new agent file.
      If you have Microsoft office installed, you can even use Clippit, which can be found in a directory like <Program Files>\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11.


    For more information

    • For further information on the application of best practises, enterprise library and building enterprise scale applications, see the Mastering Industrial Strength .NET course, which also includes a validation application block (in the Service Oriented Architecture section of the course).